Load Scene (For modes 2D, 3D)
Reads Baltie's scene from file. Scene is items placement in Baltie's space.
When you insert this command a dialog will opens. You can use it to specify .sgpsc file. The file name and the path are written behind the icon as an argument, which can be changed anytime.
If you don't specify any file name (in other words you leave the window pressing the Cancel), the icon with the argument will be blank and a text cursor will blink on it, so you can add a file name manually.
When executing the command, B4 replaces the current scene with a new one.
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Save Scene (For modes 2D, 3D)
Writes Baltie's scene to file. Scene is items placement in Baltie's space.
The scene is saved in the state at the moment of the command execution.
When you insert this command, a dialog opens. You can use it to specify .sgpsc file. The file name and the path are written behind the icon as an argument, which can be changed anytime.
If you don't specify any file name (in other words you leave the window pressing the Cancel), the icon with the argument will be blank and a text cursor will blink on it, so you can add a file name manually.
B4 saves the state of the current scene to the file when executing the command.
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Clear Scene (For modes 2D, 3D)
Deletes all tiles and graphics in the scene.
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Documentation of SGP Baltie 4 C#
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